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The Accident Claimline Blog

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Revealed – the London boroughs where pedestrians are most likely to be seriously injured.

Recently published research by the University of Westminster’s Dr Rachel Aldred has revealed the London boroughs where pedestrians are most likely to suffer a personal injury, or even be killed. As well as a borough by borough comparison, the statist...
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4842 Hits

PIP breast implant compensation may have to be repaid

A German firm that has paid out over £50m in compensation for problems caused by its PIP breast implant products is taking legal action which may result in over 20,000 women having to repay the compensation that they have already been awarded. The co...
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4068 Hits

Injuries are decreasing but road fatalities are rising - belt up to stay safe

A recent Department for Transport (DfT) report has highlighted growing concerns over serious injuries and fatalities linked to seat belt use – or rather, lack of - for drivers and passengers using the UK’s road network. The DfT statistics show that o...
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3542 Hits

Positive Mesothelioma decision for asbestos cancer sufferers

A Court of Appeal decision earlier this year has given a much needed boost to mesothelioma sufferers and their families in that they should now be more likely to be awarded appropriate levels of compensation from employers who had exposed them to asb...
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1864 Hits

Has the (under) Dog had his day??

outofdateThe National Accident Helpline reveal they maybe tucking the injured cartoon 'underdog' away and considering rebranding for 2017 in response to a change in emphasis from only concentrating on dealing with personal injury claims, see full article here
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2305 Hits
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