Our simple 4 step guide to making a workplace injury claim

Should you be in the unfortunate position of suffering an injury at your place of work, be that a warehouse, office, construction site or factory, making a claim can be daunting. Whilst being compensated for a work accident is certainly important, it is more important that you make a successful recovery from your injuries.  Reporting such accidents to your employer will also help them understand the risks in their workplace and improve their health and safety procedures, helping to avoid similar incidents in the future.

The Accident Claimline are experts in this field and have helped many individuals injured at work make successful claims. Our experience shows that the 4 main steps to follow are:

1) Seek Urgent Medical Attention – this will usually mean a hospital or GP visit, although some employers may have medical help available on site. Don’t shrug off or ignore an injury; often symptoms may persist or get worse over time, and the earlier you seek treatment the better chance you will have when it comes to making a claim.

2) Any Witnesses? – if anyone witnessed your accident, either work colleagues or independent witnesses, make sure you get their full name & contact details. Witnesses can make a huge difference between winning or losing a claim.

3) Report at Work – your employer should have an Accident Book where all accidents, no matter how insignificant, should be formally reported and recorded. Ensure that your report is logged as soon as possible after your accident, contains as much detail as possible and is accurate and truthful.

4) Seek Legal Advice – seeking advice from a solicitor who is experienced in and specialises in injury at work claims is very important. The Accident Claimline will be happy to give you friendly, easy to understand and free advice. To find out more, please contact us or call 0800 977 4852