So it would appear something has gone awry. Now even the Association of British Insurers believes the government might be going a little too far in increasing the small claims limit to £5000 for all PI claims, having failed to read it statement provided by the insurers in the first place correctly.

James Dalton thinks that the small claims limit should still be raised by only for RTA's. Not sure where this has come from but in some ways it might make the government pause (as after all they were only trying to help the insurers, but if the very people they were trying to help are shouting 'hold on a minute' then perhaps there is a small glimmer of light.

Then again it was only in October 2106 that the government said they were shelving plans to make changes.

An increase should be no more than £2500 and even then that dumps a large percentage of claimants into the unknown.

Of course the focus now seems to be shifting to bash the Claim management companies (but not the biggest ones that are owned and operated by the insurers themselves), of course there are many dodgy claims management companies but then there are a great many good ones, who do not cold call or harsh members of public, who generate good enquires compliantly.