When making a claim for compensation, to be successful it has to be proven that someone else was to blame for your accident, material damage and your injuries. When it comes to injuries suffered on the roads, these can be categorised as follows:

Pedestrians – if you have been hit by a car, motorcycle or other vehicle such as a lorry or a van, you may be able to make a claim even if the vehicle involved didn’t stop. Remember that in general, pedestrians should be given right of way over motorists. If you have been injured following such a collision, it’s really important that you report this to the police and also seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Passengers – you may have been injured as a passenger in a private vehicle (such as a car, van, coach, etc) or on public transport (such as a taxi or bus, etc)

Motorcyclists – statistically, the most vulnerable road users in the UK – whilst only 1 in 100 road users are motorcyclists, they make up almost 1 in 5 of deaths or serious injuries per year, with many of these injuries being particularly serious and catastrophic. As well as claims against an at-fault motorists insurance company, claims may also be made against a local authority or private landowner if the accident was caused by poor road conditions.

Drivers – one of the most common injury types, mainly due to the traffic densities we see on many UK roads. A claim would typically be against the person (via their insurer) who collided with you.

Cyclists – a boom in the popularity of cycling over the past decade, both for leisure and for commuting to work, has seen an increase in accidents and injuries for this vulnerable group of road users. If you are involved in a collision or accident and have suffered any injuries or especially if you have hit your head, report the accident and seek medical attention straight away.

With any of categories above, it’s always best to seek legal advice as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss an accident you have been involved with, the friendly team at The Accident Claimline are here to help – contact us here or call 0800 977 4852